A (small) critique of Clever's API

I explored Clever’s API recently while applying for an internship position at the company and I liked how clean, self contained and comprehensive it is.

There are 6 kinds of resources that can be accessed using the API - Students, Teachers, Schools, Districts, Sections, Events.

I found that the API supported two verbs GET and PUT. The API is simple enough that a request is very easy to construct. This is the general structure of a request, which when called returns a JSON object: /{version-number}/{resource-name}/{id}/{sub-resource}

So, if you wanted a list of all the students you have access to across all districts you would call - /v1.1/students. And if you wanted a list of all the students that a particular teacher taught you would call - /v1.1/teachers/{teacher-id}/students

###Design Issue###

If there was one thing I found a little puzzling then that would be design of the returned JSON object. For instance in response to /v1.1/students the first field of the data structure is the paging field which contains info about how many pages of data the response has.

The second field is the data field which contains an array of dictionaries which contain the information about students. Each dictionary key within this array is also called data:

      "paging": {
      "data": [                            //<-- These two fields
              "data": {                    //<-- are named the same.
              "uri": "..."
              "data": {
              "uri": "..."

Which seems like a missed opportunity. The names of the dictionary keys within the array could have been something else which conveyed some information about the values of those keys.